WTO Director General stepping down on August 31

Roberto Azevêdo is cutting his second term short by one year, citing personal reasons.

The Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Roberto Azevêdo, announced that he would step down on August 31, cutting his second term short by one year.

In a statement to WTO Members Mr. Azevêdo said: “This is a decision that I do not take lightly. Between the lockdown and my recent knee surgery, I have had more time than usual for reflection. And I reached this decision only after long discussions with my family – my wife here in Geneva, and my daughters and my mother in Brasilia. It is a personal decision – a family decision – and I am convinced that this decision serves the best interests of this Organization.”

Mr. Azevêdo said that bringing forward his departure would allow members to select his successor in the coming months, without diverting political energy and attention from preparations for the Twelfth Ministerial Conference, which is set to be held in 2021. “We must give my successor sufficient time to plan, together with you, the path not only for MC12, but for how that Conference fits into your plans for the future of the Organization,” he told members. “The earlier the new DG takes office the better.”

The outgoing Director-General says he believes that it would be best if members promptly move ahead with the process for selecting the next Director-General.

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