
Dumping of container chassis from China injures Canadian industry says CITT

Provisional anti-dumping duties could soon apply to importations of these goods After conducting a preliminary injury inquiry the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) announced that it found a a reasonable indication that the dumping and subsidizing of certain container chassis, originating in or exported from China, have caused injury to the domestic industry. Now that…

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Tribunal maintains injury finding on sugar from the U.S. and Europe

The Trade Tribunal says resumption of dumping would result in injury to Canadian industry The Canadian International Trade Tribunal announced that it continued its finding made in October 2015 concerning the dumping of refined sugar originating in or exported from the United States, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and the subsidizing of…

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Government launches consultations on border carbon adjustments

Import charges could be applied to goods from certain countries and export rebates could be provided to certain Canadian producers The Government of Canada launched consultations on border carbon adjustments which would be used to level the playing field for Canadian business by ensuring that imported goods are subject to the same carbon pricing as…

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Government launches consultations on proposed Luxury Tax

 The Luxury Tax would apply to deliveries in Canada, as well as importations into Canada, of new cars and new aircraft priced over $100,000, and new boats priced over $250,000 Read More

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Sharp increase in exports return Canada’s merchandise trade balance to a surplus position

In June, a sharp increase in exports resulted in Canada’s merchandise trade balance returning to a surplus position, reaching $3.2 billion. This follows a $1.6 billion deficit in May. Exports of goods rose 8.7% in June, while imports decreased 1.0% Read More

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Textiles and Clothing Free Trade Agreements Tariff Preference Level Utilization 2021 Imports

Utilization levels have been updated to August 9, 2021 Read More

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Textiles and Clothing – CUSMA Tariff Preference Level Utilization 2021 Exports\

Utilization levels have been updated to August 9, 2021 Read More

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Transport Canada is extending restrictions on direct flights from India until September 21, 2021

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CBSA confirms dumping/subsidizing decision on grinding media from India

The trade tribunal is continuing its inquiry on injury to the domestic industry The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced that it made final determinations of dumping and subsidizing with respect to certain grinding media originating in or exported from India. The Canadian International Trade Tribunal is continuing its inquiry to determine if the dumping…

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CBSA employees begin work-to-rule strike action

Strike will hit Canadian airports, land borders, commercial shipping ports and postal facilities The Public Service Alliance of Canada and the Customs and Immigration Union announced that they served a strike notice to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) on Tuesday. The strike, which will mostly consist of work-to-rule action, began on Friday August 6…

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CBSA and its employees reached a tentative agreement

The agreement brought an immediate end to work-to-rule strike action that had begun Friday morning The Government of Canada announced on Friday afternoon that it has reached a tentative agreement with federal border services officers of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) represented by the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Customs and…

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CBSA finds dumping/subsidizing would resume if duties expired on steel line pipe from China

Tribunal will now determine whether the expiry of duties is likely to result in injury to Canadian industry In March 2021 the Canadian International Trade Tribunal initiated an expiry review of its 2016 finding concerning the dumping and subsidizing of certain carbon and alloy steel line pipe originating in or exported from the People’s Republic…

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CBSA issues final determinations on upholstered domestic seating from China and Vietnam

The Trade Tribunal is continuing its inquiry into the question of injury to the domestic industry Read More

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Carbon steel fasteners (Chinese Taipeii, Zyh Yin Enterprise)

Notice of close of record and updated schedule in normal value and export price review Read More

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Carbon steel welded pipe 3 – SeAH Vietnam

Notice of close of record and updated schedule in normal value and export price review Read More

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