U.S. investigation finds no dumping of imports of structural steel from Canada

 The Department of Commerce assigned preliminary dumping rates of 0% and de minimis 0.69%

The U.S. Department of Commerce announced its negative preliminary determination in the antidumping duty (AD) investigation of imports of certain fabricated structural steel from Canada.

The Department assigned preliminary dumping rates of 0.00 percent and 0.69 percent (de minimis) to the two mandatory respondent Canadian exporters. No cash deposit will be required on imports of those goods.

Howerver, affirmative preliminary determinations were issued in the investigations of imports of certain fabricated structural steel from China and Mexico. U.S. Customs and Border Protection will begin to collect cash deposits of up to 141.38 per cent on certain imports of fabricated steel from China and up to 30.58 per cent on certain imports of fabricated steel from Mexico.

The Department is scheduled to announce its final determinations for goods of the three countries on or about January 24, 2020.

If it makes affirmative final determinations, and the U.S. International Trade Commission finds injury to the domestic industry, the department will issue AD orders. If either Commerce or the Commission issues negative final determinations, no AD orders will be issued. The Commission is scheduled to make its final injury determinations approximately 45 days after Commerce issues its final determinations, if affirmative.

In 2018, imports of the subject goods from Canada, China, and Mexico were valued at an estimated $722.5 million, $897.5 million, and $622.4 million, respectively (in U.S. dollars).

Link: Department of Commerce preliminary determinations (pdf)
