Technical documents: Government memorandums, notices and decisions.

  • Customs Notice 20-12 COVID-19: Tariff Classification and Other Information to Import Medical Supplies
  • Customs Notice 20-11 Extension of Timeframes for Payment of Customs Duties and GST (COVID-19)
  • Certain carbon steel fasteners from China and Chinese Taipei. Notice of Expiry Review Determinations
  • 2020 Food Preparations Tariff Rate Quota. Food preparations containing more than 10 per cent but less than 50 per cent of milk solids has only 45 kg remaining as of March 26
  • Interim Order Respecting the Importation and Sale of Medical Devices for Use in Relation to COVID-19. Expedited authorization of the importation or sale of medical devices used in the diagnosis, treatment, mitigation, or prevention of COVID-19
  • CITT Expiry No. LE-2020-001 Photovoltaic modules and laminates from China. Notice of expiry of finding

This page lists newly published government memorandums, notices, regulations and decisions. Clicking on a title will open the document (in a new window) as published by the relevant department or agency on its own Web site.

Canada Border Services Agency

Global Affairs Canada

  • 2020 Food Preparations Tariff Rate Quota. The 2020 tariff rate quota (TRQ) under the WTO for food preparations containing more than 10 per cent but less than 50 per cent on a dry weight basis of milk solids, not in retail packaging has only 45 kg of the access quantity remaining as of March 26, 2020

Health Canada

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

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