Reminder: Goods contaminated with soil are refused entry at the border
Vehicles, equipment and other goods that are contaminated with soil are not admissible into Canada
As soil is a major carrier of invasive species and plant and animal diseases, vehicles, equipment and other goods arriving at the Canadian border that are contaminated with soil are not admissible into Canada.
Non-compliant goods are refused entry and ordered removed from Canada at the first point of arrival under the authority of the Plant Protection Act and the Health of Animals Act.
Some exceptions for cleaning the contamination at the first point of arrival may be granted, under rigorous conditions.
Whether the goods are returned or cleaned in Canada, all additional costs will be at the expense of the importer.
Some items which could potentially contaminated with soil and soil-related matter include vehicles, containers, equipment, logs/lumber, blocks of stone, machinery and tools.
- D-95-26: Phytosanitary requirements for soil and soil-related matter and for items contaminated with soil and soil-related matter
- PI-016: Procedures for inspecting regulated articles for freedom from soil, plants, plant parts and related matter
- TAHD-DSAT-IE-2010-17-1: Import of used equipment and things from designated countries, (that is, not free of disease such as foot-and-mouth disease)
- Soil and soil-related matter