New requirement specifies that even persons exempt from quarantine are now required to wear a mask upon entry. The Government of Canada updated the mandatory requirements for travellers entering Canada. The rules already require persons entering Canada-whether by air, land…
Read MoreThe COVID-19 related measure is temporary and will be reviewed on an ongoing basis. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced a temporary reduction of service hours at 27 low-traffic ports of entry along the Canada-United States land border. The…
Read MoreThis page lists newly published government memorandums, notices, regulations and decisions. Clicking on a title will open the document (in a new window) as published by the relevant department or agency on its own Web site. Canada Border Services Agency…
Read MoreATA notes that, despite the decline in demand, November’s performance was the best in eight months. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reports that demand in global air freight markets decreased by 1.1% in November 2019, compared to the same…
Read MoreThe Tribunal says resumption of dumping would result in injury to Canadian industry. The Canadian International Trade Tribunal announced the continuation of its finding in respect of the dumping and subsidizing of aluminum extrusions from China. The Tribunal’s finding imposed…
Read MoreCommodities are targeted for verification of origin, tariff classification and value for duty. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) posted on its website a few changes to the list of goods which are currently subject to its verification priorities. Through…
Read MoreThis page lists newly published government memorandums, notices, regulations and decisions. Clicking on a title will open the document (in a new window) as published by the relevant department or agency on its own Web site. Canada Border Services Agency…
Read MoreThe first two are still in negotiations and the third should come into effect within a few months. The European Commission reported progress made during the latest negotiating rounds for the EU-Indonesia and EU-New Zealand trade agreements. The ninth round…
Read MoreWorkshop focusing on modernization and standardization of customs laboratories. The World Customs Organization (WCO) held a workshop focusing on modernization and standardization of customs laboratories last week. Representatives of customs laboratories from eight Member administrations (Bulgaria, Canada, China, the EU,…
Read MoreThey want new types of unconditionally banned subsidies to be added to the WTO Agreement. In a Joint Statement representatives of the European Union (EU), the United States (U.S.) and Japan announced their agreement to strengthen existing rules on industrial…
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