March 13, 2020
Customs Notice 20-07 Release of Non-Commercial Goods via the Single Window Initiative (SWI), Integrated Import Declaration (IID) Customs Notice 20-06 Highway Sufferance Warehouse Closure (Quebec, Quebec) Customs Notice 20-05 Highway Sufferance Warehouse Closure (Miramichi, New Brunswick) Memorandum D2-3-6 Non-commercial Provincial…
Read MoreNew rates will apply to certain spirits, wine, beer and tobacco products. Excise duty rates on spirits, wine, beer, certain tobacco products increase periodically. The Canada Revenue Agency keeps a web page indicating current and historical rates per product. This…
Read MoreImporters must retain certain records and provide these to Global Affairs Canada upon request. Global Affairs Canada recently emailed a notice to customs brokers and importers to remind parties in the industry of their obligations under the Steel and Aluminum…
Read MoreThe “over access commitment” rates of duty will then be applicable. Global Affairs Canada advises that the 2019-2020 tariff rate quota (TRQ) for wheat will be filled as of 11:59 p.m. local time on April 09, 2020, and that the…
Read MoreTribunal will make a redetermination on its denial of exclusion requests made by three complainants. Following a remand by the Federal Court of Appeal, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) announced that it had recommenced its Inquiry No. NQ-2016-004 regarding certain fabricated…
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