April 3, 2020

Technical documents: Government memorandums, notices and decisions.

Customs Notice 20-12 COVID-19: Tariff Classification and Other Information to Import Medical Supplies Customs Notice 20-11 Extension of Timeframes for Payment of Customs Duties and GST (COVID-19) Certain carbon steel fasteners from China and Chinese Taipei. Notice of Expiry Review…

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Global air cargo demand slumped in February as COVID-19 took hold

IATA reports that seasonally-adjusted air freight demand was down 9.1% month-on-month in February. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) reports that demand in global air freight markets decreased by 1.4% in February compared to the same period in 2019. When…

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Canada’s trade deficit narrowed to $983 million in February

Statistics Canada says exports rose 0.5 percent while imports were down 0.8 percent. Statistics Canada announced that the country’s merchandise trade deficit with the world narrowed from $1.7 billion in January to $983 million in February. The Federal agency says…

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Canada and several other WTO members finalize interim appeal arrangement

The contingency measure will apply until the WTO Appellate Body becomes operational again. Canada and several other members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have decided to formally put in place the Multi-party Interim Arrangement [MPIA] for allowing appeals of…

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Duty on photovoltaic modules and laminates from China could expire in July

Tribunal is seeking opinions on whether it should let the finding expire or conduct an expiry review. The Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s July 2015 finding concerning the dumping and subsidizing of photovoltaic modules and laminates from China is scheduled to…

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Dumping would resume if duties expired on steel fasteners from China and Taiwan, says CBSA

Tribunal will now determine whether the expiry would likely result in injury to Canadian industry. On October 28, 2019, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal initiated an expiry review of its order, made in January 2005 and renewed several times since,…

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