Canada to review determinations on oil country tubular goods and hot-rolled carbon steel plate
Governments of Korea and Turkey requested review in light of WTO dispute settlement decisions.
Following representations from the Government of Korea and the Government of Turkey, the Minister of Finance requested the President of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to review the final determinations of dumping and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) to review its injury findings in respect of oil country tubular goods (OCTG2) originating in or exported from Korea and Turkey, as well as steel plate (Steel Plate 7) originating in or exported from Korea.
The review stems from recommendations and rulings from the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Dispute Settlement Body in case no DS482 concerning termination of investigations in respect of individual exporters with de minimis margins of dumping.
On May 29, 2020, the CBSA initiated a review of the final determinations of dumping with respect to OCTG2 from Korea and Turkey. The CBSA also initiated a review of the final determination of dumping with respect to Steel Plate 7 from Korea. The CBSA is scheduled to conclude its review by July 31, 2020.
The CITT will then conduct a review of its injury findings. Interested persons are invited to file written representations relevant to the review of the final determinations of dumping in respect of OCTG2 from Korea and Turkey as well as Steel Plate 7 from Korea.
– CBSA – Notice of review of final determinations of dumping.
– CITT Review No. NQ-2013-005R Hot-rolled carbon steel plate
– CITT Review No. NQ-2014-002R Oil country tubular goods