Dumping of small power transformers from three countries injures Canadian industry says CITT

Provisional anti-dumping duties could soon apply to importations of these goods

After conducting a preliminary injury inquiry the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) announced that it found a a reasonable indication that the dumping of certain small power transformers from Austria, Chinese Taipei, and South Korea has caused injury or is threatening to cause injury to the domestic industry.

Now that the Tribunal ruled on the question of injury, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) will investigate to confirm that the imports are indeed being dumped and will make a preliminary determination by July 14, 2021.

Provisional anti-dumping duties could eventually be applicable to imports of the goods under investigation. In such a case the preliminary decisions of the Tribunal and the CBSA will have to be confirmed by final decisions.

Link: Preliminary Injury Inquiry No. PI-2021-001

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