Surtax order on certain steel goods could expire in October
Safeguard measures apply to imports of heavy plate and stainless steel wire
Canada applies safeguard measures (surtax) to imports of heavy plate and stainless steel wire. The subject countries are all countries except the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel, Korea, Colombia, Honduras, Panama, Peru and all countries benefitting from the General Preferential Tariff.
The Canadian International Trade Tribunal gave notice that the Order Imposing a Surtax on the Importation of Certain Steel Goods is scheduled to expire on October 24, 2021.
Any domestic producer of goods that are like or directly competitive with certain heavy plate and stainless steel wire that are subject to safeguard measures enacted in the Surtax Order, or any person or association acting on behalf of any such domestic producer, may file with the Tribunal a written request that an extension order be made because an order continues to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury to domestic producers of like or directly competitive goods.
The deadline for filing an extension request with the Tribunal in respect of the Surtax Order is April 12, 2021, by noon, ET.