Tribunal opens safeguard exclusions inquiry on certain steel goods

The Tribunal is to determine if there is a domestic source of supply for targeted goods.

The Government of Canada applies safeguard measures to imports of heavy plate and stainless steel wire. The subject countries are all countries except the United States, Mexico, Chile, Israel, Korea, Colombia, Honduras, Panama, Peru and all countries benefitting from the General Preferential Tariff.

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal was directed to conduct an inquiry regarding requests for exclusion from the final safeguard measures.

The Tribunal is to determine if there is at least one domestic source of supply for such goods, or if there is a firm and commercially viable plan to produce such goods domestically.

If the Tribunal determines that there is no domestic source of supply or firm and commercially viable plan to produce such goods domestically, the Tribunal will recommend the exclusion of the goods from the application of safeguard measures.

The Tribunal must report to the Minister of Finance by March 13, 2020.

Link: Inquiry No. GC-2018-001-E2 Notice of commencement of exclusions inquiry
