CBSA starts dumping investigation into non-structural plywood from China
Tribunal will first determine whether the imports are harming Canadian producers
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) launched investigations to determine whether certain decorative and other non-structural plywood originating in or exported from China is being sold at unfair prices in Canada, and whether subsidies are being applied.
The investigations are the result of a complaint filed by several Canadian manufacturers. The complainants allege that the Canadian industry is facing an increase in the volume of the allegedly dumped and subsidized imports resulting in a loss of market share and sales..
In the next step of the investigation the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) will first determine, by August 10, 2020, whether the imports are harming Canadian producers.
Concurrently, the CBSA will investigate whether the imports are being sold in Canada at unfair prices and will make a preliminary decision by September 9, 2020.
The subject goods are decorative and other non-structural plywood commonly used in applications such as kitchen cabinets, furniture, wall paneling and architectural woodwork, seat backs, table and desk tops, drawer sides, television and stereo cabinets, furniture components, trailer components, and other components.
Anti-dumping and/or countervailing duties could eventually be applied to importations of the goods under investigation.