Consultations on allowing exports of automatic firearms to Austria, Ireland, Japan, and Switzerland

Canadian exporters could apply to export certain prohibited weapons to the three countries

Global Affairs Canada is inviting stakeholders to provide their opinions regarding a possible regulatory amendment which could result in the addition of Austria, Ireland, Japan, and Switzerland to the the Automatic Firearms Country Control List (AFCCL).

The AFCCL is a list of countries that the Government of Canada has deemed it appropriate to permit the export of automatic firearms to, and with which the Government of Canada has signed an intergovernmental defence, research, development and production arrangement.

The addition to the list would allow Canadian exporters of certain prohibited firearms, prohibited weapons and prohibited devices to submit permit applications for the export of these items to the newly added countries. Submissions must be received no later than July 20, 2020.

Link: Consulting Canadians on the proposed addition of Austria, Ireland, Japan, and Switzerland to the Automatic Firearms Country Control List

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