Anti-dumping duty on refined sugar from several countries could expire in October
Tribunal is seeking opinions on whether it should let the finding expire or conduct an expiry review
The Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s finding concerning the dumping of certain refined sugar originating in or exported from the United States, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and the subsidizing of the aforementioned goods originating in or exported from the European Union are scheduled to expire on October 29, 2020, unless the Tribunal has initiated an expiry review.
The Tribunal’s order, first issued in 1995 and renewed several times since, imposed anti-dumping and/or countervailing duties on the sugar at issue exported from the aforementioned countries.
Under Canadian law, findings of injury or threat of injury and the associated special protection in the form of anti-dumping and/or countervailing duty expire five years from the date of the last order or finding (or its continuation) unless an expiry review has been initiated before that date.
The Tribunal is now consulting interested parties to determine if the finding should be left to expire or if it should conduct a review which could prolong it.
Parties requesting or opposing the initiation of an expiry review of the findings must file a notice of participation with the Tribunal’s Secretary on or before the date specified in the Tribunal’s Notice of Expiry.
The Tribunal will issue a decision by October 2, 2020, on whether an expiry review is warranted. If the Tribunal decides that an expiry review is not warranted, the order will expire on its scheduled expiry date. If the Tribunal decides to initiate an expiry review, it will issue a notice of expiry review.
For additional information and a detailed description of the goods at issue see: Notice of Expiry No. LE-2020-003